This helps against wrinkles

Anti-aging tips: This helps against wrinkles.


Anti-aging tips: This helps against wrinkles.

Stress, too little sleep or an unbalanced diet cause the skin to age. Wrinkles cannot be stopped, but with the right care the process can be counteracted. Read what helps agains wrinkles here.

Sad but true: the ageing of the skin cannot be avoided. With every year it loses its elasticity and resilience. However, this process can be significantly delayed with the right skin care and anti-aging methods. Anti Aging refers to all treatments, products and measures that slow down the process of skin ageing.

From the age of 25 onwards, cell activity begins to decrease, slowing down the renewal of cells. As a result, our skin begins to age, loses its elasticity and forms the first wrinkles. So anyone who wants to preserve their young skin should start taking anti-aging measures as early as 25.

These factors cause our skin to age and create wrinkles

The prerequisite for a fresh, smooth complexion are vital skin cells that are able to regenerate regularly. Our skin ageing is influenced by three essential components:

  • Our genes, on which we have no influence
  • Environmental factors
  • The individual lifestyle

Environmental factors, such as excessive exposure to the sun, accelerate skin ageing, favour the formation of free radicals and promote the breakdown of collagen. A moisturising day cream with sun protection factor helps to prevent wrinkles. Our tip: start using it as early as the twenties! Sufficient sleep is important for a longer lasting fresh looking skin. Seven to eight hours a night are recommended, because during these hours our skin regenerates and recovers. In addition, the production of interleukins (messenger substances of the cells of the immune system) is stimulated during sleep and growth hormones are released. Stress and lack of sleep makes the skin look old and wrinkled very quickly.

Smoking is poison for the skin: cigarette consumption promotes the formation of free radicals and constricts the blood vessels. This attacks the skin cells and drastically worsens the blood circulation. Besides regular exercise, a healthy diet is also important. Many healthy foods contain antioxidants that neutralise free radicals. They are aggressive oxygen compounds that attack our cells and cause wrinkled, grey skin. Antioxidants are found in foods such as vegetables, fruit, wholemeal products, nuts and fish. A sufficient fluid intake of at least 2 litres is also necessary to prevent wrinkles. Tip: Avoid sugary drinks.

Anti Aging Food

Blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, peppers and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which protects the skin from cell damage. We also need it to build collagen fibres that strengthen and keep the connective tissue elastic. In addition, vitamins C and E (in hazelnuts, linseed, pepperoni, cabbage, avocado) have an antioxidant effect. Beta-carotene is equally important. The precursor of the A vitamin promotes the light tolerance of the skin. It is found in carrots, beetroot, spinach and other leafy vegetables.

For bread or pasta, it is essential to use the wholemeal variety because of its high magnesium content. ” Magnesium ensures that the cell walls remain stable. The result is taut skin, fewer flakes. The epidermis remains smoother and more even,” says nutritionist and dermatologist Professor Christoph Skudlik from the University of Osnabrück. Also rich in magnesium: millet, oat flakes and kohlrabi.

Anti Aging Food: Food against wrinkles

Antioxidants against wrinkles

As is well known, beauty comes from within and, in addition to consistent skin care, sun protection, sufficient sleep and exercise, the right diet plays a decisive role in counteracting the natural ageing process. The magic word in the fight against wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing: antioxidants. These include vitamins C, E, carotene, zinc, sulphur and selenium. They support the skin in its fight against free radicals and are contained in numerous foods. We explain which foods are particularly effective in fighting wrinkles and other signs of ageing and should definitely be put on the plate more often.

Dark berries

Dark berries are particularly rich in antioxidants and therefore particularly effective against free radicals. They contain so-called anthocyanins, which give the berries their blue, purple or black colour and protect the body cells from negative changes caused by free radicals. At the same time, even a small amount of sour berries covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, which improves the elasticity of the skin and promotes digestion – this makes blackberries, blueberries or elderberries the optimal anti-aging food.

By the way: The following applies to the protective effect against free radicals: The darker the berry, the more effective it is!


Spinach, which is particularly rich in vitamin B2, has a particularly strong protective effect. This soothes minor inflammations, protects the skin and ensures a fresh complexion. It is also essential for the metabolism and contains lutein, which protects the arteries from clogging.


Just like spinach and some other green vegetables, broccoli is particularly high in vitamin B2, which relieves inflammation and gives a radiant, fresh complexion.

Carrots and tomatoes

Carrots and tomatoes contain real power against skin ageing, the carotenoids. Not only do they make the skin look younger and fresher, they are also important helpers in terms of UV protection and act like a natural sunscreen from within. In addition, cooked and processed tomatoes contain a particularly high amount of lycopene. This makes free radicals harmless, which are caused, for example, by stress, smoking or UV rays and cause the cells to age faster.

Carrots and tomatoes helping against wrinkles
Carrots and tomatoes helping against wrinkles

Green tea

Green tea has been considered a beauty elixir in China for 2,000 years. The green leaves, preferably from organic cultivation, have a strong antioxidant effect. The ingredients theobromine, vitamins B, E and C, fluoride, zinc and bioflavonoids fight free radicals efficiently and can thus slow down the ageing process. It is even proven that green tea can prevent colon cancer. Two to three cups per day are allowed.

Walnuts and almonds

Silly nut, my ass! Walnuts and almonds in particular are considered a real anti-aging food with an important protective effect. Walnuts contain linoleic acid. This belongs to the unsaturated fatty acids and stabilises the structure of the cells. This ensures soft and supple skin. Almonds score points with a large portion of vitamin E. This not only keeps the brain fit, but also protects the skin from harmful UV rays. It also lowers cholesterol levels and thus prevents heart disease.

Dark chocolate

Good news for all those with a sweet tooth: Cocoa improves the skin structure and protects against UV rays. Instead of milk chocolate, however, it is better to go for the darkest possible version, as this is the only one that contains a particularly high level of flavonoids. These promote blood circulation, maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels and thus support the heart. But please do not eat the whole bar – 30 grams of dark chocolate per day is absolutely sufficient!

Yoghurt, whey & buttermilk

The skin consists of collagen, which is built up from protein building blocks. Proteins are therefore essential for beautiful, firm skin and can repair minor skin damage. Acidified milk products such as whey, yoghurt, kefir or buttermilk provide plenty of calcium and protein and have comparatively few calories. This makes them an ideal anti-aging food that also strengthens bone substance.


Pumpkin is considered an anti-aging food because it contains a particularly high amount of beta-carotene. This is a precursor of vitamin A and stimulates cell division. This helps to form elastic fibres and ensures a fresh, firm complexion.


All the power of the whole grain: whole grain products, just like fruit and vegetables, provide the body with valuable fibres that support and regulate digestion. This is an important prerequisite for healthy, beautiful skin. Wholemeal bread contains three times the amount of minerals and twice as many vitamins and fibre as white bread – that is pure power for hair, skin and nails. But wholemeal pasta, brown rice, millet or quinoa are also good sources.

By the way: among wholemeal breads, sourdough products are more recommendable than those based on yeast. This is because wholemeal flour can contain the plant substance phytin, which slows down the absorption of minerals in the body. During sourdough fermentation, these substances are rendered harmless.


Peas, beans, lentils or soya: all contain high-quality protein that promotes cell growth. They also contain so-called phytoestrogens. These are secondary plant substances that are particularly interesting for women in the menopause because they can compensate for hormone deficiency. At the same time, they also support the formation of collagen. The protein tightens the connective tissue and the skin.


Meat, sausage or other animal foods are considered wrinkle accelerators, while fish is highly recommended. Especially sea fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring offer a whole range of anti-aging substances. Especially the high content of valuable omega-3 fatty acids is worth mentioning. These protect the cells, break down harmful fats in the blood and thus keep the heart, circulation and vessels going. In addition, sea fish contains iodide, the vital substance for the thyroid gland, which controls numerous metabolic processes in the body and thus influences weight, mood and memory performance, among other things. And skin and hair also benefit from the high protein content.

Linseed and linseed oil

But not only sea fish scores with omega-3 fatty acids. Linseed and the oil extracted from it are a good vegetable alternative and indispensable for a firm, elastic skin. Walnut, rape or hemp oil are also valuable suppliers.

Anti-Aging Food: Linseed and linseed oil are helping against wrinkles
Anti-Aging Food: Linseed and linseed oil are helping against wrinkles


Last but not least, the most important of all anti-aging foods should not be missing: water. Because drinking is the be-all and end-all when it comes to slowing down the ageing process. Only with a sufficient supply of water can the metabolism run optimally and harmful substances be flushed out of the body. And only with sufficient hydration can the skin’s appearance improve – it then appears smoother and plumper.

Important: You should drink small amounts of water regularly throughout the day – not the entire daily requirement at once. This way the body can process it optimally. How much water you should drink depends on age, physique, activity and possible illnesses. The popular rule that one should drink 2-3 litres per day should therefore only be considered a rough guideline.

Anti Aging: Products against skin ageing

We leave no stone unturned to protect our skin from ageing. From skin treatments with healing stones such as the Jade Roller to various serums and inner beauty – as soon as the products promise the reproduction of firmer and more youthful skin, they gain worldwide hype and popularity. We have put together five anti-ageing products for you to shop for immediately:

Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel

Biotulin Wrinkle Free Gel
Biotulin Supreme Ski Gel – Dermatologically test result: Excellent

Less wrinkles and a visibly younger look within 60 minutes ? With the new biotulin no sorcery.

Can you really look younger in just 60 minutes? With Biotulin, there’s no magic needed. Developed and produced in Germany, this extract is comparable to needle injections containing Botulinum Toxin. The results are similar, but it’s much simpler to use. Biotulin is applied to the face as a soothing lotion. It is quickly absorbed, smoothing the skin to make it soft and supple. Unlike needle injections, it does not numb your face or restrict your facial expressions. Your features will still be reanimated and beautiful.

Biotulin Daynite24+

Biotulin Moisturizer Creme Anti-Aging Skin Care from Germany Dermatologically Tested with Excellent
Biotulin Moisturizer Creme Anti-Aging Skin Care from Germany Dermatologically Tested with Excellent

The perfect day and night anti-wrinkle creme
Daynite24+ is a day and night anti-wrinkle creme providing perfectly coordinated basic care for every skin type and age. Dermatological studies have shown that the Biotulin active ingredient combination reduces wrinkle depth by up to 25% within just one hour.

Daynite24+ provides the skin with moisture and vitamins during the day. The light consistency does not create any ugly shine, your usual make-up can be easily applied after morning use of Daynite 24+.

At night, Daynite24+ regenerates the skin due to natural grape seed oil. During development, particular emphasis was placed on the nourishing properties of individual active ingredients. The skin is optimally supplied by hyaluronic acid, ideally stimulating the skin’s own collagen formation.

Bio Cellulose Facial Mask

Biotulin Facial Wrinkle Mask Anti-Aging Skin Care from Germany Dermatologically Tested with Excellent
Biotulin Facial Wrinkle Mask Anti-Aging Skin Care from Germany Dermatologically Tested with Excellent

Bio Cellulose Mask for your demanding face skin

Your Biotulin Face Mask rejuvenates the complexion with immediate effect, corrects wrinkles and pigment spots over the long terms.


  • Remove Mask, unfold and remove the protective film on one side.
  • Place the Mask on your clean face, press gently and mould it to your face until it feels comfortable.
  • Remove the protective film from the other side and leave the Mask to work for 30 minutes.
  • Remove Mask and massage the remaining serum into the skin.

Anti Aging Tips & Tricks

cream, cream, cream!

  • Use day cream with sun protection factor
  • Use a face peeling once a week (without microplasia!)
  • drink a lot of water
  • always remove make-up
  • Avoid nicotine, alcohol and too much sugar

Do not forget the neck and décolleté!

The perfect lotion for naturally beautiful breasts, elastic skin and a smoother, wrinkle-free décolleté.
The perfect lotion for naturally beautiful breasts, elastic skin and a smoother, wrinkle-free décolleté.

The perfect neck is smooth, supple and slim for most women. But only those at least take care of the neck and décolleté area as intensively as they take care of their eye wrinkles. Skin experts have long confirmed that the neck is the betrayer of true age. On the neck, the skin has hardly any fat pads and few sebaceous glands.

Since the neck turns with every movement, is usually exposed to the sun and oxidative stress without protection, it often becomes dry and quickly wrinkled without intensive care. Thin and sensitive skin therefore requires special care and attention.

There are many moisturising anti-aging creams that have been specially developed for the sensitive area and conjure up a beautiful neck and smooth décolleté. They minimise small impurities, discolouration and imperfections, pamper the skin with vitamins and refill the moisture depots with lasting effect.

3 anti-aging treatments without scalpel

Many of us would like to have a younger looking and wrinkle-free skin, but we are happy to forego plastic surgery. These anti-aging treatments conjure up an even face – without the need for a scalpel or plastic surgery:

Autologous Blood Therapy

It looks scary, but it actually works wonders: In autologous blood therapy, also known as PRP therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma) or vampire lifting, the processed autologous blood is injected into previously anaesthetised wrinkle areas with many punctures of the finest needles. Before the own blood is injected, the white and red blood cells are removed and mixed with calcium chloride and special amino acids. This activates the resulting blood plasma including the blood platelets and releases growth factors.

The extracted blood, about 20 ml per treatment, easily penetrates the barrier of the epidermis. The result is a firmer and younger looking skin. About three to four treatments at intervals of one month are advisable. The vampire lift lasts about a year.

Micro Needling

Sounds amazing: fine needles are used to lift drooping eyelids, tighten drooping cheeks and double chin, minimise coarse pores and repair crow’s feet. And all that after just a few sessions. “Facial Acupuncture” is the name of the anti-aging method from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Instead of tightening certain areas with Botox or fillers, this treatment focuses on holistic rejuvenation and natural lifting.

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Smooth skin with the biotulin microneedling beauty system
Smooth skin with the biotulin microneedling beauty system

Why this works with needles can even be explained by conventional medicine: Injury to tissue sets a regeneration process in motion. This is how other anti-aging and lifting methods work, such as peelings, which remove the top layers of skin to give the cells the signal to renew themselves. The principle is to stimulate and use self-healing powers, because they diminish over time. Unless you allow yourself a few needles every now and then. Needlerollers for your own household use are not recommended. Inferior quality scooters can cause damage and infections. Better: A professional micro-needling treatment by a dermatologist. The treatment should be repeated every six months.


A gentle anti-aging treatment in which the skin structure is improved by a mechanical peeling method. Behind the word microdermabrasion is basically the name for a small abrasion of the skin. In this painless procedure, the top layer of skin is abraded using special crystal, glass or sandblasting equipment and then vacuumed away. The treatment opens the pores, removes unevenness and stimulates blood circulation, collagen formation and cell renewal of the skin. Large pores become finer and the depth of wrinkles is reduced. To maintain the rejuvenating effect of microdermabrasion, one session per month is recommended. Caution: The treatment is not suitable for patients with fresh acne scars or active herpes.

What helps against pigmentation spots?

Pigment spots are small, harmless discolorations of the skin and are one of the typical skin changes in old age. They are caused by the overproduction of the pigment melanin. Age spots are a sign of long-term exposure to the sun and occur particularly in older people – or earlier, depending on lifestyle. The following therefore applies to the prevention of age spots: use sun protection diligently! Special creams that lighten existing pigmentation spots and prevent new ones from appearing help. Microdermabrasion or laser treatments can remove the discolouration. However, it can happen that the stains come back. With covering foundations or concealers small stains can be temporarily covered.



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