Tighten neck wrinkles

That way you can prevent neck wrinkles: Rejuvenating neck skin


Tighten neck wrinkles: Professional tips for a smooth neck!

A beautiful, taut neck looks youthful and feminine. With these anti-aging tips you can prevent and tighten neck wrinkles!

In their youth, many are blessed with a graceful, slim neck that doesn’t need extra care. And while we gradually expand our facial care programme from 25+ and invest in good anti-aging creams, we often treat our neck area rather stepmotherly. A real beauty faux pas! Because even our thin, delicate skin on the neck forms wrinkles that make us look older quickly.

Neck wrinkles: Where do they come from?

Our skin on the neck is very thin and therefore particularly vulnerable. Similar to the area around our eyes, the skin on our neck has hardly any sebaceous and sweat glands, which supply it with fat and moisture. In addition, our skin on the neck does not contain subcutaneous fat and connective tissue. As a result, daily movements and strain on our neck become visible very quickly and lines and wrinkles form. In addition, there are stress and environmental factors, such as UV rays and dry heating air, which strain our skin on the neck as much as our face.

Therefore only one thing helps: Pay more attention to the neck during the daily care ritual and prevent it as early as possible! We will tell you what the optimal anti-aging programm for your neck area should look like.

That way you can prevent neck wrinkles:

Cream, cream, cream.

A simple way to prevent neck wrinkles is to include the neck area in the morning and evening care routine. In other words: every time you apply the cream, you should also care for your neck! The day or night care that you use for your face is best suited. When using day care for face and neck, always make sure to use an additional anti-ageing cream with sun protection factor in order to protect the skin optimally from UV-induced skin aging. In the evening you can also care for your neck with a rich body lotion.

Tip: The care is particularly effective in combination with a nourishing lotion. Simply apply it with a cotton pad before care. The lotion acts as a kind of thirst quencher for the skin and improves the effectiveness of the following cream.

Add more fish and vegetables to your diet

A healthy and balanced diet not only makes us slimmer and fitter – you can also tell by the condition of our skin, hair and nails. Vitamins and minerals have an antioxidant effect. They fight free radicals and thus also protect our skin cells. A lack of antioxidants, on the other hand, ensures that our skin

Grilled sea bream fish with vegetables
Grilled sea bream fish with vegetables

Tension is lacking, which leads to wrinkles and a pale, tired complexion. Many antioxidants can be found in, for example:

  • salads
  • Fruit
  • sprouts, such as lentil or wheat sprouts
  • Nuts
  • natural oils and fats

Various studies have also shown that people who live predominantly on fish, vegetables and dairy products are less prone to wrinkles.

Supplying the skin with fluid from the inside

Dryness and wrinkles on the neck are mainly caused by insufficient fluid intake. Therefore it is not enough to pamper the skin with rich creams only from the outside. Our skin must also be supplied with fluid from the inside to prevent neck wrinkles. Therefore: Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day!

Prevent neck wrinkles while sleeping

Horizontal wrinkles on the neck can be prevented with the right posture, for example when sleeping. Back sleepers have a clear advantage here. Because if you sleep on your back, you automatically adopt a relaxed position in the neck and shoulder area.

The result: the neck lies straight and is stretched, which means fewer wrinkles can form. On the other hand, if we lie on our stomach or on our side, the skin on the neck wrinkles and forms transverse folds.

Tip: A neck pillow can work little wonders when getting used to your own sleeping position. Another possibility is to bed the head as high as possible.

Even a tense posture, for example when working at the computer, makes our delicate skin on the neck look wrinkled more quickly. Remember from time to time to adopt a relaxed position, lower your shoulders and stretch your neck.

Extra care with massages and oil wraps

Regular massages that stimulate the blood circulation can help to prevent and tighten neck wrinkles. Special anti-aging care products and treatments for the neck and décolleté contain additional ingredients that ensure that the firming collagen in the skin is strengthened.

Tip: It is best to apply the massage before going to bed. Then apply the night cream a little more generously and let it work overnight.

A homemade oil wrap also has a positive effect on the delicate skin on the neck. Simply whisk wheat germ oil with an egg yolk. Then gently stroke the neck and wrap a cotton cloth around it. Leave the whole thing on as long as possible. The rest of the oil wrap can be washed off with clear water.

Can neck wrinkles be removed with a cosmetic operation?

As a general rule, clearly visible wrinkles on the neck are more difficult to remove than wrinkles on the face. Nevertheless, it is possible for specialists to reduce the visibility of skin aging. The different possibilities vary on the one hand due to the extent of the wrinkles and on the other hand due to the skin tissue.

Horizontal wrinkles that run horizontally along the neck can be tightened by injections of collagen and hyaluronic acid. This effect usually lasts for about half a year.

The visibility of longitudinal wrinkles can be treated with Hyaluron or Botox. In this treatment, however, the neck muscles are important. The following applies here: the more pronounced the muscles are, the more visible the skin tightening is. The reason: the nerve toxin is injected into the muscle. If the tissue is too slack, it quickly evaporates again. If the skin on the neck is visibly slack, the neck can be lifted by a surgical procedure. The excess skin is removed and the muscle structure is lifted.


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