The best beauty tips from dermatologists & Co. for skin from 50

Die besten Beauty-Tipps der Profis für die Haut ab 50


50 is the new 40 – or was it the new 30? No matter, women over 50 just look great – after all, most have found their own style by then and developed a healthy body feeling. Even additional wrinkles look beautiful, they are displayed with the right self-confidence. A few small Beauty rules you should, however, stick to a nice complexion from 50. We have the best tips from the professionals for mature skin Collected.

5 skin care tips for radiant skin from 50 – according to professionals

1. Make sure to clean softly

Sets for the daily Facial cleansing on mild washing gels that do not release the skin from its natural oils. Dermatologists recommend, for example, a cleansing with ingredients that strengthen the natural protective function of the skin, including cleansing products with ceramides. In order to bring the pH of the skin back into balance after cleansing, you should also use a toner that provides additional moisture to the skin.

2. Use peelings only very sparingly

Peelings – whether manual or chemical – should only be used very carefully and sparingly in skin care for skin care from the age of 50, as the outer layer of the skin becomes thinner at this age. Make sure that the brushes of your tools are very soft and fine with a manual peeling. In addition, you should peel no more than three times a week and then supply the skin with products with soothing ingredients, such as ceramides and chamomile. With a chemical exfoliation, you should use mild products that include glycol and salicylic acids as well as vitamin K.

3. Enjoy a facial massage

A facial massage works wonders at any age. But the skin from the age of 50 will particularly benefit from the daily skin care ritual. It tightens facial features – more defined cheekbones and a firmer jaw are the result – and reduces fluid congestion and boosts blood circulation. In addition, the facial massage promotes cell building, tightens the tissue and stimulates collagen formation.

4. Same volume loss with extra moisture from

Already at the beginning of the 30’s the hyaluron level of the skin is reduced, which in turn promotes fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid serums or creams with hyaluronic acid can therefore ensure that the skin stays smooth for longer and that the cells are supplied with sufficient moisture by the skin care. Hyaluron concentrates the moisture in the skin, ensuring that it remains elastic for longer and does not lose its volume. The result: less wrinkles!

5. Treat wrinkles and pigments with caution

Retinol is the new miracle weapon against wrinkles, pigmentation and sun damage, as it ensures that the cells are renewed and collagen production is stimulated. It also brightens the skin. Some skin care products containing retinol are prescription-only and others are available on the market. Nevertheless, it is advisable to always consult a dermatologist to determine the correct dosage for your own skin.


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