Michelle Obama’s Wonder Gel “Bio-Botulinum Toxin” Wins Beauty Award!


New York, 12-07-2015
Kate Middleton, Karl Lagerfeld, Madonna – Everybody Loves Biotulin

New York have now bestowed on Biotulin the “newcomer” Beauty Award 2015
http://thehollywoodtimes.net/2015/12/07/michelle-obamas-wonder-gel-bio-botulinum toxin-wins-beauty-award/

The Lifestyle magazine celebrities from New York have now bestowed on Biotulin the “newcomer” Beauty Award 2015: “Unique worldwide, Biotulin organic Botulinum Toxin Gel serves as a model for natural cosmetics. The idea of using spilanthol from the pancreas as a local anesthetic to smooth wrinkles is unique.”

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